New Sugarbush House at Riveredge

I’ve been taking pictures at work, here are some shots of the new Sugarbush House within a winter nature backdrop.

With hundreds of sugar maple trees on the property, maple sugar season is a big deal. I’ve enjoyed watching and documenting the progress of this building as it sits amongst the trees. Complete Maple Sugarin’ details here.

I’m in a photography class this semester, intro to photography. Interestingly enough, it’s a film class. I’m learning to understand the mechanics behind taking pictures: aperture, shutter, ISO, the relationship of how one must compensate for the others, all that necessary stuff. I’m glad those words are beginning to have meaning, and I look forward to developing a greater understanding. Working at it, trying to improve on what I’m doing.

Flint: Standing, Still.

This past weekend I went with a group of UW-Milwaukee journalists to cover the water issues in Flint, Michigan. Water isn’t even when or where the problems started, and isn’t the only concern of the people of Flint.